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Empower yourself with these strategies and effortlessly elevate your well-being.

How to Take Your Peptides


If in powder form:

Reconstitute with 2 mL of Bacteriostatic Water NAD+ reconstitute with 3mL Bacteriostatic Water DO NOT TO SHAKE ME!*****


Place in fridge until ready for injection. Make sure fridge stays cool at 32*


Prep injection site with alcohol swab.

Note common SubQ injection sites are upper arm, stomach, glute, or upper thigh


Inject # of units directed and place vial back in fridge! Hint: see dosing guide for how many units


Be PATIENT and enjoy the results!

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Don’t worry, you can still tell everyone it was really scary!

Peptide Dosages

*note this is based off revive product concentrations and may not be applicable with other products*

best practice is injecting Mon-Fri with weekends off.

So just remember….

  • to rotate injection areas. tushy, tummy, and thigh are my favs
  • you can combine peptides in same syringe – less pokes!
  • try to stick with same dosing schedule, IE- 7am.
  • preload syringes to save time. example, weekends for the next week
  • preload syringes to take with you on vacation. no need for icepack, just place in your carry on! (leave the bottles back at your home so you don’t leave them in Kansas)

Peptide GLP 1 Dosages

Semaglutide: 1 X per week

Take 10 units weeks 1 & 2. Keep this dose for sugar control and maintenance. For weight management clients, if tolerated, titrate dose up to 20 units weeks 3-6. Weeks 7-10 25 units.

Tirzepatide: 1 X per week

Take 20 units weeks 1 & 2. Keep this dose for sugar control and maintenance. For weight management clients, if tolerated, titrate dose up to 25 units weeks 3 & 4. Weeks 5&6, 35 units, weeks 7&8 50 units.

Nausea is common with GLP1s. But to limit side effect and get maximum benefit from your peptides try these tricks and tips:

  • Be sure to stick to high protein diets and restricted eating windows.

2. Eat small meals throughout the day- try to eat. from 10am-6pm

3. Drink lots of water (with electrolytes, LMNT is my go-to)

4. Try to say “NO” to processed foods and sugar. Is it food, yes or no?

5. Eat smaller meals closer to bedtime as we want your body to rest and recover while sleeping!

6. Remember to limit alcohol and get a good nights sleep!!

7. Don’t forget how amazing you are! DUHHH.

*note this is based off revive product concentrations and may not be applicable with other products*

We know injecting might not be cute.... but you sure are! Check out these links to make injecting a little *easier*

Where to inject

How to Reconstitute with Bacteriostatic Water

How to Travel With Your Peptides

Tips to Get the Most out of Your Peptides

What foods should I eat?

WHAT you Eat is as Important as WHEN you Eat